20241002 903 AllStar Table Tennis Tournament

The 903 AllStar Table Tennis Tournament brought incredible excitements to our school, featuring the Star Warriors led by singers Jeffrey Ngai Chun Sing, Panther Chan, and Mike Tsang, against the 903 DJ Team led by DJ Jerry Lam (aka Siu Yeh Jim). The singers also teamed up with our school’s sports stars, Yeung Gor and Yim Cheuk Yin, for an intense and thrilling match.

“Let’s go, Concordia!”
The Star Warriors and 903 DJ Team both showcased their competitive spirit during the matches, while our school athletes performed brilliantly amidst the cheers of students and teachers. The event created a fiery and electrifying atmosphere!

Curious about the final results? Watch the match highlights now!
🎥 Match Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7g3VusjfRE